Ukrainian drawing school Artym's Lab
Founder and teacher at Artym's Lab studio and Artym's Lab in Portugal
The cost of the session is €50
Relaxing and creating something beautiful at the same time is possible! Through art therapy or the study of techniques, styles, and directions, each time you immerse yourself in a world full of inspiration and variety of colors. You can start drawing at any age!
The cost of the session is €70
The cost of the session is €40
The cost of the session is €40
The cost of the session is €40
The cost of the session is €60
The cost of the session is €70
one day in Artym's Lab
interview with the founder of the art studio Yulia Artym
"The most important tool of an artist, which is formed through constant training, is the belief in his ability to create miracles when necessary."
— Mark Rothko
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